Dismantling the virus theory (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/7)

Misinterpretation of Virus – Part 1 (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/68)

Misinterpretation of Virus – Part 2 (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/75)

How dead are viruses actually? – All claims of virus existence refuted

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/105)Evidence that Viruses Cause Disease or The Rooster in the River of Rats (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/18) (Video)

How to recognize “insufficient” publications and false virus images?

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/171)What is a “scientific fact”? A small case study: The “measles process”

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/176)Epidemic authority confirmed: Neither virus-existence research nor control experiments performed

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/240)The causers of the corona crisis are clearly identified – VIROLOGIST – who claim disease causing viruses are science fraudsters and must be prosecuted

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/580)VIRUS IN COURT

Bet that the alleged measles virus does not exist! (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/77)

Virus on trial

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/445)The measles virus trial is getting more and more exciting

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/450)Background and analysis of the first instance judgement

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/479)The notice of appeal in the measles virus trial

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/499)Measles virus process: The omens are good

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/500)The Federal Court of Justice destroys the belief in Viruses (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/43)


SARS: Corona virus first act

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/178)Don’t panic – the truth about bird flu, H5N1, vaccination and AIDS (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/84)

Challenging BOTH Mainstream and Alternative AIDS Views (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/109)

Swine flu 2.0

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/196)A CRITICAL LOOK AT THE BEGINNING OF MODERN MEDICINE

Exposing the myth of the germ theory

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/279)Bechamp or Pasteur? & The cult of the microbe:
The origin of ‘preventive medicine’ (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/246) (e-book)

The prior history of the ‘germ theory’

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/247)The Private Science of Louis Pasteur (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/249) (e-book)

Virchow – A strategist of power (Part 1)

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/407)How the theory of deadly microbes took power in medicine and society

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/435)CORONA PANDEMIC BACKGROUND, POLITICS & AGENDAS

With Corona to World Communism (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/32)

The Corona Crisis as a Chance for a War to Transform the World (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/66)

Event 201: Was the corona pandemic planned? (https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/47)


Medical Nemesis The Expropriation of Health by Ivan Illich

(https://t.me/Corona_Investigative/290)Genetics: Genome in Dissolution
